III-Nitrides on Silicon Photovoltaics by Sputtering
This research line aims to establish a technology platform for the fabrication of a new generation of low-cost photovoltaic cells based on nanostructured III-nitride layers synthesized by radio frequency sputtering on silicon substrates. Currently, the photovoltaic market is dominated by single-junction crystalline Si modules because of their relatively low costs and their long-term reliability. Higher conversion efficiencies are obtained using GaAs multi-junction cells operating under concentration light. However, these cells present problems of toxicity. This research line aims to develop a major break-through in the solar domain with fully hybrid III-nitride-on-Si photovoltaic devices environmentally friendly, low production costly, and with moderate conversion efficiencies. This research line is within the line of the Spanish strategy for science, technology and innovation, and the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union: safe, clean and efficient energy.