GOT ENERGY TALENT closed on 1st October

The first call of Got Energy Talent (GET) opened on 2nd of July 2018. Under GET’s first call, there were 17 fellowships be available: 8/9 under the UAH and 8/9 under the URJC. The fellowships will provide the opportunity for experienced researches from around the world to spend two years at Madrid to undertake an independent, interdisciplinary research project in the field of smart energy.

In the section Overview, you will find detailed information about the fellowship conditions (number, duration and financial conditions), the elibility criteria as well as the selection process.

You can check the outcome of the 1st call for fellowships here.

Call schedule

Launch of the call:

  • 1st call open: 2nd July (2018)
  • Call deadline: 1st October (2018), 12:00 Spanish Time
  • Candidates will receive a confirmation email when submitting the application

Selection process:

  • Communication of results of the eligibility check: October 2018
  • Consensus meeting and drawing of ranking lists: January 2019
  • Communication of results after evaluation process: February 2019

Start of the fellowship:

  • Appeal, redress and negotiation period: February 2019 and March 2019
  • Approximate start of the fellowships: April-May 2019

Research Lines

It is open to the fellows to freely define the subject area of the proposed research. However, the research should fall within one of the research lines offered under GOT ENERGY TALENT fellowship programme and it should be supported by the current research strengths at UAH, URJC and its partner organisations.

Applicants must identify the research line where they want to be integrated, and get in touch with the research group, in order to get the necessary information to complete the application. You will find the contact details of the group as well as the complete list of research lines here.


Smart Energy and related fields

As applicants can see on GET’s website, all research lines fall within the topic of Smart Energy, including:

Energy efficiency & renewable energy

Smart energy systems

  • Energy monitoring & control systems
  • Renewable & sustainable energy
  • District heating & cooling
  • Smart transportation & mobility
  • Building / infrastructure
  • New green technologies
  • Energy use & planning
  • CO2 capture, storage and utilization technologies
  • Generation of electrical power
  • Electricity transmission network
  • Electricity distribution network
  • Energy storage
  • Security aspects of smart grids
  • Energy management systems
  • Other topics related with the concept of Smart Cities

ICT technologies

Second year of applied research

Under specific research lines, applicants may choose to carry out a second year doing applied research in one of our  partner hos tinstitutions from the non-academic sector. Please note that this option is NOT possible under all our research lines. You will find the necessary information under research lines. You will also find information about our non-academic partner host institution here.

Please bear in mind that, when applying, you should already choose if you want to carry out a 24-month advanced research project at the academic host institution or to carry out a 12-month advanced research combined with a 12-month period devoted to applied research. Applicants are asked to build their proposal taking this into account.

If you are envisaging a second year of applied research, when building your proposal, you should discuss it with the research group from the academic host institution.

Documents for applicants


The application should contain the following documents:

Documents for evaluators


We recommend applicants to use the Guide for Evaluators and the evaluation criteria as a checklist to ensure the quality of their proposal.

How to apply

Applications will exclusively be accepted through the on-line application platform on the right side of this website. Applications must be submitted before the call deadline. In order to submit an application, all applicants need to register in the online application system. Once registered, applicants can upload and submit their proposals to the system.

PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ONCE YOU PRESS THE ‘SUBMIT’ BUTTON, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CHANGE YOUR APPLICATION. That will be considered the research proposal to be evaluated.

All documents must be uploaded in a single file (preferably .zip or .rar). Please do NOT merge the documents in a single .pdf. Just put them together in a single .zip or .rar file as separate individual pdf or word documents.

Please be aware that once you press the ‘submit’ button in your private area in the online application tool, you will not be able to change your application! That will be considered the research proposal to be evaluated.

Applicants must submit the complete application package. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED!! Applications which do not use GET templates will be considered ineligible and will be excluded from further review.


We advise applicants to carefully read the “Guide for Applicants” as well as the “Guide for Evaluators”. For any question regarding the Programme, please get in touch with

In the «Guide for Evaluators», you will find a detailed description of the assessment criteria. You will also find the IER (Individual Evaluation Report) template that evaluators will use to assess and score your application. Therefore, when buidling your proposal, we recommend you to carefully read this guide together with the «Guide for Applicants».