Energy efficiency in road transportation
Mentor: Eugenio Fernández Vicente and Antonio Moratilla Ocaña
Phone: (+34) 918856901
University: Universidad de Alcalá
Partner Host Institution: ATOS
Keywords: VRP, Machine Learning, Big Data, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Cluster Computing, Energy Efficient

Energy efficiency in road transportation

Energy efficiency in transportation systems is a widely studied field due to its big economic and environmental impact. One of the most important problems that the research community has focused on during the last decades is the reduction of the consumed energy in all aspects of our daily life. One of the most important factors of energy consumption is transportation. To this end, a great amount of work in the field of intelligent transportation systems focuses on improving energy efficiency.

Eco-routing refers to the choice of the most energy efficient route towards a destination and it seems very promising for reducing daily energy consumption. In recent years, the increase of computing power and data storage has opened new perspectives for data analysis. The possibility of analyzing Big Data is translated into the discovery of new sources of knowledge. Big Data has been used to develop new paradigms and strategies in systems design, systems development, information processing and the performance evaluation of intelligent transport systems. Extensive research efforts have been dedicated to the computational models that analyze and process this data on a large scale, as well as to the design of effective tools to manipulate them.

Our main line of research is the study of energy efficiency in road transportation, taking into account both driver’s behavior and truck’s characteristics by using big data analysis techniques. To achieve this, models are inferred from machine learning algorithms, which are designed and implemented inside a research scope. Afterwards these models are validated with real data provided by a logistics operator specialized in dangerous goods, mainly hydrocarbon materials (in liquid state), which has a high incidence in the Spanish economy, and at the same time, has high levels of security and regulation. The extreme danger of this kind of products and their management, highlights from both economic and security viewpoints, the correctness of the transportation management and the distribution.

Departament: Computer Science
Research Group: Research Chair "Intelligent Systems for the Optimization of Distribution and Transportation".
More Information:
Relevants projects on the area: Development of advanced modules for Intelligent Transportation Systems
Relevants publications on the area: 1.- Optimal combination of operators in Genetic Algorithms for VRP problems. International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering and Technology
2.- Cartographic systems visualization in mobile devices: issues, approaches and example cases. International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering and Technology