Multi-criterio assesment of ecosystem services and trade-offs resulting from different energy policies 
Mentor: Miguel Angel de Zavala Gironés
Phone: (+34) 918856411
University: University of Alcalá
Partner Host Institution: N.A.
Keywords: Carbon mitigation, Forest energy, Climate Change Adaptation,Sustainability,Biodiversity, ecosystem restoration

Multi-criterio assesment of ecosystem services and trade-offs resulting from different energy policies 

Sustainable development requires accounting for social and environmental costs of policy decisions. Energy consumption is inextricably linked to different environmental processes such as climate change, water regulation and biodiversity impact and hence to human well being. The aim of this research line is to develop and parameterize socio-ecosystem models to identify tradeoffs in ecosystem services linked to energy use to generate guidelines for sustainable use. The focus in highly interdisciplinary; including ecology, social sciences, computer science and engineering to develop an integrated view of the system.

Departament: Life Sciences
Research Group: Ecología y Restauración Forestal
More Information:
Relevants projects on the area: "Exploring whether functional and structural diversity confer forests resistance and resilience to drought: implications for adaptation to climatic change (FUNDIVER)
Ministerio Economía y Competitividad. 2016-2018. 105.270,000€. PI UAH: Miguel Angel de Zavala. "
Relevants publications on the area: "1.-Marqués L, Madrigal-González J, Zavala MA, Camarero JJ, Hartig F (2018) Last-century forest productivity in a managed dry-edge Scots pine population: the two sides of climate warming. Ecological Applications 28: 95-105.
2-. Madrigal-González J, Ballesteros-Cánovas JA, Herrero A, Ruiz-Benito P, Stoffel M, Lucas-Borja ME, Andivia E, Sancho-García C, Zavala MA (2017) Forest productivity in Southwestern Europe is controlled by coupled North Atlantic and Atlantic multidecadal oscillations. Nature Communications 8: 2222."