Photovoltaic, eolic and mixed power systems connected to the electrical network or isolated. Photovoltaic power systems For Space aplication.
Power systems based on clean energy such as photovoltaic or eolic energy are increasingly being used as a method of obtaining clean
energy. In particular, mixed systems of solar and wind energy are interesting because their combination makes them ideal since solar
energy can be obtained in days with high irradiation, while wind energy can provide complementary energy when the photovoltaic system
can not, as during the night or on days with high cloudiness that however are usually windy. The possibility that these power systems
connect to the electricity network means that most buildings can be energy producers. These power systems can be mounted insulated to provide useful energy throughout the day and used for feeding instrumentation or
domestic power in isolated areas where there is no established electrical network.

Climate impacts on renewable energy resources
Renewable resources such as wind, solar or hydraulic power are highly sensitive to climate fluctuations, both to the shorter year-to-year variations, that impose an undesired irregularity in their supply, as well as, most likely, to the longer term modifications related to global climate change. Our research is aimed at providing climatic diagnostics useful to the evaluation and planning of renewable resources at these time scales, with an emphasis on wind energy potential in the Iberian Peninsula . The analysis of their output is expected to contribute to our understanding of the processes affecting wind energy generation in both onshore and offshore locations in the Iberian area.