Efficient planning of energy storage
Mentor: Javier Martínez Moguerza
Email: javier.moguerza@urjc.es
Phone: (+34) 916648467
University: Rey Juan Carlos University
Partner Host Institution: ATOS
Keywords: energy, storage, efficiency, planning, optimization, decision support systems

Efficient planning of energy storage

Energy storage is a major challenge in the long term, but also in the medium and short term. Nowadays, a lot of research is being carried out regarding energy storage from the point of view of materials science, physics, and engineering. However, from the point of view of decision support systems research is still in its beginnings. In this regard, the idea of this proposal is to develop optimization models suitable of being incorporated into intelligent decision support systems in order to improve the planning of energy storage policies within facilities of public and private use. The company “EDP España” has shown interest in the results obtained from this research.

Departament: Computing Science, Computer Architecture, Programming Languages and Systems and Statistics and Operative Investigation
Research Group: Data Science Lab
More Information: http://www.datasciencelab.es/
Relevants projects on the area: Title: GROMA - Risk Management and Mathematical Optimization: Applications.
Funding organization: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
Duration: 2016/01/01 - 2019/12/31.
Principal investigators: Antonio Alonso Ayuso and Javier Martínez Moguerza
Relevants publications on the area: 1.- E.L. Cano, M. Groissböck, J.M. Moguerza and M. Stadler, “A strategic optimization model for energy systems planning”, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 81, pp. 416-423, Elsevier, 2014.
2.- E.L. Cano, J.M. Moguerza and A. Alonso-Ayuso. “A multi-stage stochastic optimization model for energy systems planning and risk management”, Energy and Buildings, 110(1), pp. 49-56, 2016.