Project Listing

All - Financial Economics and Accounting and Modern Languages (URJC) Anova Consulting SOTICOL Robotics Systems ASTI - Photonic Enginering Group (UAH) Pixcellence IBERDROLA Nielsen - Economics (UAH) - Life Sciences (UAH) - Communications Sciences and Sociology (URJC) - Public Law I and Political Sciences (URJC) Orion High Technologies S.L. - Physics and Mathematics (UAH) - Architecture (UAH) - Biology, Geology, Applied Physics and Inorganic Chemistry (URJC) - Private Law and Social Security and Labor Law (URJC) - Business Administration (ADO), Applied Economics II and Fundaments of Economic Analysis (URJC) Respol, S.A. - Computer Science (UAH) CENER (National Renewable Energy Centre of Spain) CI3 (Centre for Innovation on Smart Infrastructures) - Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (UAH) - Automatics (UAH) - Theory on Signal and Communication and Telematic Systems and Computing (URJC) IMDEA Water - Organic Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry (UAH) Optiva Media CEPSA IMDEA Energy - Applied Mathematics, Materials Science and Engineering, and Electronic Technology (URJC) - Signal Theory and Communications (UAH) - Energy and Chemical Technology, Environmental and Chemical Technology, Mechanical Technology, Analytical Chemistry (URJC) - Computing Science, Computer Architecture, Programming Languages and Systems and Statistics and Operative Investigation (URJC) ATOS - Electronics (UAH) Universidad Rey Juan Carlos University of Alcalá
The research proposed line aims to enhance the flight control systems onboard of unmanned aerial...
The GOT-Energy-TALENT proposal hereby presented by GEINTRA Group involves different tasks related to the monitoring...
The GOT-Energy-TALENT proposal hereby presented by GEINTRA Group involves tasks related to the monitoring and...
Energy-efficient desalination and water treatment technologies play a critical role in augmenting freshwater resources without...
Our research group is fully devoted to merge environmental microbiology and electrochemical tools to restore...
Water contamination with biological (nucleic acids; bacteria, viruses) or chemical (aromatic compounds, metal ions) traces...
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems are powerful Earth Observation (EO) tools that can be used...
In order to address the nowadays challenges faced by the Circular Economy frame, biomass is...
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