Basharat Jamil
GET-COFUND MarieS.Curie Fellow at URJC
Implications of Socio-Economic and Environmental Variables on the Energy Demand Estimation in Spain
About the research project «Implications of Socio-Economic and Environmental Variables on the Energy Demand Estimation in Spain»
Research line: Intelligent Energy Demand Estimation
Mentor: Prof. Abraham Duarte Muñoz
Long-term energy planning relies on the accurate projections of future energy demand. Therefore, energy demand estimation is crucial to the economy of a country affecting important decisions related to the national policy. A majority of state-of-the-art literature has relied on different machine learning techniques for the estimation of energy demand. In this project, an approach for estimation of country-wide energy demand will be created which will combine the excellent performance of evolutionary meta-heuristic algorithms and a fast neural network (extreme learning machine) to obtain a robust and efficient hybrid approach. On the one hand, the meta-heuristic approach will be focused on obtaining the most relevant features among the set of initial ones. Different forms of models (linear, quadratic, exponential, power, etc.) will be evaluated for suitability of estimation. On the other hand, neural networks will be designed to obtain the final energy demand prediction. While previous approaches consider that the number of macroeconomic variables used for prediction is a parameter of the algorithm (i.e., it is fixed a priori), the main idea of the proposed approach here is to propose improvements in the energy demand models through the use of intelligent computational algorithms by selecting a greater number of significant variables and to optimize the models’ parameter as well as the number of variables (from a large set of socio-economic and environmental variables) and the best ones. Some preliminary results in the real case of energy demand estimation in Spain have shown the excellent performance of the previous approaches proposed in the literature.
About Basharat Jamil
Basharat Jamil was born in Benghazi (Libya) on June 14, 1986. He graduated with Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2008 and Master of Technology (M.Tech.) degree in Mechanical Engineering with a major in Thermal Sciences in 2011 from Aligarh Muslim University (India). He has obtained his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering in the area of Heat Transfer and Solar Energy in 2017 from Aligarh Muslim University (India).
Currently, he is a Marie Sklodowska Curie Action GET Energy Talent fellow working on the research line of Intelligent Energy Demand Estimation with Professor Abraham Duarte Muñoz at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid). He has previously worked at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Aligarh Muslim University of India in the capacity of Guest Faculty (2009-2012) and as an Assistant Professor on Contract from (2017 to 2020). He has previously also worked as Assistant Systems Engineer (T) with TATA Consultancy Services Limited, Kolkata, India (2008-2009).
His recent articles appeared in top energy journals including Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Desalination, Journal of Cleaner Production, Energy, Renewable Energy, etc. Till date, he has published 33 papers in prestigious scientific journals, 4 book chapters and 9 papers in conference proceedings. His research articles received 491 Citations with an h-index of 13 and an i10-index 18. He has also served as a reviewer for over 55 journals including Applied Energy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Energy Conversion and Management, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, etc.
His research interests include intelligent computational algorithms for application in energy demand estimation, solar radiation modelling, energy and exergy analysis of renewable energy systems and effective utilization of renewable energy in desalination.
Key publications
- Makade RG, Chakrabarti S, Jamil B, Sakhale CN. Estimation of global solar radiation for the tropical wet climatic region of India: A theory of experimentation approach, Renewable Energy 146 (2020), 2044–2059. (IF: 5.439)
- Irshad K, Habib K, Algarni S, Saha BB, Jamil B. Sizing and life-cycle assessment of building integrated thermoelectric air cooling and photovoltaic wall system, Applied Thermal Engineering 154 (2019) 302-314. (IF: 4.026)
- Irshad K, Algarni S, Jamil B, Ahmad MT, Khan MA. Effect of gender difference on sleeping comfort and building energy utilization: Field study on test chamber with thermoelectric air-cooling system, Building and Environment 152 (2019) 214-227. (IF: 4.820)
- Anis MS, Jamil B, Azeem MA, Bellos E. Generalized models for estimation of global solar radiation based on sunshine duration and detailed comparison with the existing: A case study for India, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 31(2019) 179-198. (IF: 3.456)
- Jamil B, Bellos E. Development of Empirical Models for Estimation of Global Solar Radiation Exergy in India. Journal of Cleaner Production 207 (2019) 1-16. (IF: 5.651)
- Makade RG, Jamil B, Statistical Analysis of Sunshine Based Global Solar Radiation (GSR) Models for Tropical Wet and Dry Climatic Region in Nagpur, India: A Case Study, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 22-43. (IF: 9.184)
- Jamil B, Akhtar N. Estimation of Diffuse Solar Radiation in Humid-Subtropical Climatic Region of India: Comparison of Diffuse Fraction and Diffusion Coefficient Models, Energy 131 (2017) 149-164. (IF: 4.968)
- Jamil B, Akhtar N. Comparative Analysis of Diffuse Solar Radiation Models Based on Sky-Clearness Index and Sunshine Period for Humid-Subtropical Climatic Region of India: A Case Study. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 329-355. (IF: 9.184)
- Jamil B, Akhtar N. Effect of Specific Height on the Performance of a Single Slope Solar Still: An Experimental Study, Desalination 414 (2017) 73-88. (IF: 6.603)
- Jamil B, Akhtar N. Comparison of Empirical Models to Estimate Monthly Mean Diffuse Solar Radiation from Measured Data: Case Study for Humid-Subtropical Climatic Region of India, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 77 (2017) 1326-1342. (IF: 9.184)