Sabino Armenise

Sabino Armenise

GET-COFUND MarieS.Curie Fellow at URJC

Catalytic Conversion of Plastic by Magnetic Nanoparticles Radiofrequency-Assisted. Acronym: PlasMagFuel

About the research project «Catalytic Conversion of Plastic by Magnetic Nanoparticles Radiofrequency-Assisted – Acronym: PlasMagFuel»

Research Line: Plastic waste to alternative fuels

Mentor: Prof. Marta Muñoz Hernández


Over the past 50 years, plastic have provided and improve our style of life. However, nowadays it is becoming in the one of the world’s most pressing environmental concerns. Today, government around world, specially member of EU, are working on to develop and improve their technologies to increase the rate of recycling plastic, extending its life by promoting the use of it in more than one time or use it as a feedstock for other process.

The project PlasMagFuel, will be focused on minimization and energetic revalorization of plastic “waste”, using electromagnetic fields, to transform it into liquid fuels by a novel approach. This new and low-carbon footprint process is based on multidisciplinary point of view as Nanotechnology and Chemical Engineering, where the conversion of waste-to-fuel and building–blocks molecules is carried out by thermocatalytic process driven by specifically-design nanoparticles.

About Sabino Armenise

Graduated in Chemistry with honors in 2006 from the University of Carabobo (Venezuela) and Cum Laude Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Zaragoza in 2012 (Spain), Sabino receive the extraordinary doctoral award in 2013. During the last years, Sabino has been developing his professional career on different subjects linked to business (as leader team for an international company) and academy (as scientific researcher). After expending two years in the industry, he has been granted with a two-year research fellowship funded by Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation -AECID- to conduct research about catalytic conversion of biomass in Ecuador, where he starts an independent career. During his scientific career has published several articles related to heterogeneous catalysis, nanomaterials and others. Nowadays, Sabino is a Marie Sklodowska Curie Action GET fellow working with Dr. Marta Muñoz developing new strategies for convert plastic in a valuable feedstock to produce fuel, helping to close the loop to create a circular economy around plastics.


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