Sergio Carrasco

Sergio Carrasco

GET-COFUND MarieCurie Fellow at URJC

Metal-organic frameworks for CO2 capture and conversion

About the research project «Metal-organic frameworks for CO2 capture and conversion»

Research line: Advanced organic-inorganic hybrid materials for CO2 capture and conversion

Mentor: Guillermo Calleja


In this project we propose different strategies for CO2 fixation and conversion using Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs). The relevance of the project relies on the use of these materials for the selective transformation of the gas due to their extraordinary properties as porous adsorbents. Different well-known MOF families will be considered, such as MIL, PCN, ZIF, UiO and URJC, but also new MOFs will be tested. The work will be developed between URJC and IMDEA-Energy in the context of the fellowship GOT Energy Talent-COFUND and our objectives are:

  1. Synthesis of MOFs, using conventional methods (autoclaves, solvothermal) and other novel techniques such as ultrasound- or microwave-assisted syntheses, in order to improve the phase quality, the stability and the selectivity towards to CO2.
  2. Physico-chemical characterization of the previous materials using different techniques: microscopy (TEM, SEM), elemental analysis (HCNS, metals), thermogravimetry (TGA), spectroscopy (FTIR, UV-Vis), structure determination (XRD), nitrogen/argon adsorption porosimetry, among others.
  3. Their application for CO2 capture and conversion into high-valued compounds and fuels through: a) hydrogenation; b) electrochemical reduction; c) photochemical reduction; d) cycloaddition.


About Sergio Carrasco

Sergio Carrasco obtained the degrees in Chemistry (2010, third best qualification) and Materials Engineering (2013). He got 60 ECTS in MSc Organic Chemistry (2011) to obtain the PhD degree in Advanced Chemistry (2016). His PhD thesis has been awarded by UCM with the Special doctorate award and recognized by SEA and RSEQ as one of the best theses defended in 2016/2017. He has developed his career mainly at Complutense University of Madrid (UCM, PhD in molecularly imprinted polymers-MIPs for sensing, 2011-2016) and Stockholm University (post-doc in MOFs for catalysis in 2017-2020). He has published 15 manuscripts (202 citations, H-index = 9), 3 book chapters, 1 patent and participated in more than 25 conferences with oral communications, posters and invited seminars/symposiums. He has performed several research stays at high-top European labs in different areas such as CIC biomaGUNE (Au nanoparticles, San Sebastián), UPM-ISOM (lithography, Madrid), CSIC-IDAEA (water analysis, Barcelona), CSIC-ICTP (linear co-polymers, Madrid) and BAM (fluorescent polymers, Berlin). He has participated in several courses, teaching and student supervision, managing R&D activities, writing project proposals with successful results (MSCA-GOT Energy Talent-COFUND and for beamtimes at synchrotron facilities) and being invited for paper contributions (2 publications as corresponding author). Since 2019, he is a member of the editorial board of Open Chemistry journal (De Gruyter Open), in the area of Material Science.


More in ORCID: 0000-0003-0024-1392


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
European Researchers' Night 2021 Materiales avanzados MOFs: una solución de futuro ante eminentes desafíos sociales y energéticos -10 Hours 24 septiembre, 2025
Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación 2020 Diseño de materiales avanzados MOFs específicos para afrontar distintos retos sociales 3 Days 3 noviembre, 2025
Meet our MSCA fellows! Meet our GET Marie S. Curie COFUND fellows! 1 Hours 1 junio, 2025