Mediation, Energy and Culture of Peace
Mentor: Marta Gonzalo Quiroga
Phone: (+34) 916647470
University: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Partner Host Institution: N.A
Keywords: Justice, Energy Mediation, Energy ADR, Culture of Peace.

Mediation, Energy and Culture of Peace

The actual practice of justice, domestic and international, causes that this is considered, among other things, partial, «unjust», little credible, slow, expensive, unequal, politicized, and unsatisfactory by great part of the citizens of different countries. The increase in court fees has also increased the feeling of lack of accessibility to Justice by citizens, aggravating the Judicial Institution has a dissuasive effect instead of obeying what should be its first objective, which is to ensure a fair process, protect and give protection to the defendant, specially in energy fields. Although the problems of justice should be corrected in their own public and obligatory guarantee of a Universal Fundamental Right, the reality that we have been observing in recent years, he has urged the need to publicize and promote «other forms of justice», also for energy issues, based on more effective and practical for the resolution of conflicts of all kinds in the field of energy conflicts. Methods alternatives to the jurisdictional order, more economic, closer to the citizen, more human, quick, restorative, effective and promote the agreement between the parties, thus helping to modernize the judicial system, the energy system and make it more humane and effective.
To do this, it is proposed, through this line of research, to examine and work on the analysis of more effective and practical methods for
resolution of conflicts in energy, through the MASC: Alternative Methods of Conflict Resolution, especially the Negotiation and Mediation, as well as the understanding of its importance as elements of social pacification, management efficient energy conflict and a fundamental tool towards a Culture of Peace.

Departament: Private Law and Social Security and Labor Law
Research Group: Mediation Research Unit
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Relevants projects on the area:
Relevants publications on the area: 1.- GONZALO QUIROGA, M., “Apuntes de actualidad jurídica, social y política sobre la mediación en América Latina y el Caribe –Propuestas y Alternativas: Aproximación al Caso Cubano”, Quaderno di Conciliazione, a cura de Carlo Pilia, Cagliriari, 2017, vol. 6, pp. 219-235.
2.- GONZALO QUIROGA, M., “La mediación de conflictos en familias LGBTI con trascendencia internacional: Análisis práctico de un caso real”, en el Libro: La solución alternativa de conflictos en los nuevos modelos de familia, directores, Arnulfo Sánchez García y Patricia López Peláez, editorial Thomson Reuters, 2018, en prensa.