Agent technology for smart transportation fleets
Our main research lines comprise coordination mechanisms and services for the efficient use of shared limited resources. We frequently apply them to environments with autonomous stakeholders where, besides efficiency, different types of fairness and “social welfare” as well as all sorts of “security” constraints need to be considered, so as to enable an effective implementation. For this purpose, we usually combine multiagent techniques from a sandbox that we call “agreement technologies” (semantic technologies, market-based mechanisms, automated negotiation and argumentation, trust and reputation, norms and organisations, …).

Computer Vision for Smart Cities
Computer Vision algorithms are a key element in order to make smart cities, transportation and mobility a reality. Our research interest are in Computer Vision in general and in efficient (low computational resources and real time) object detection and tracking in particular, with special interest in face analysis, which can applied in different problems related to smart mobility and smart cities.

Efficient planning of energy storage
Efficient planning of energy storage Energy storage is a major challenge in the long term, but also in the medium and short term. Nowadays, a lot of research is being carried out regarding energy storage from the point of view of materials science, physics, and engineering. However, from the point of view of decision support […]

Agent technology for smart transportation infrastructures
Our main research lines comprise coordination mechanisms and services for the efficient use of shared limited resources. We frequently apply them to environments with autonomous stakeholders where, besides efficiency, different types of fairness and “social welfare” as well as all sorts of “security” constraints need to be considered, so as to enable an effective implementation. For this purpose, we usually combine multiagent techniques from a sandbox that we call “agreement technologies” (semantic technologies, market-based mechanisms, automated negotiation and argumentation, trust and reputation, norms and organisations, …). The ultimate goal is to provide innovative new services to the user, and at the same time to reduce CO2 emissions and energy consumption.

Agent technology for smart grids
Our main research lines comprise coordination mechanisms and services for the efficient use of shared limited resources. We frequently apply them to environments with autonomous stakeholders where, besides efficiency, different types of fairness and “social welfare” as well as all sorts of “security” constraints need to be considered, so as to enable an effective implementation. For this purpose, we usually combine multiagent techniques from a sandbox that we call “agreement technologies” (semantic technologies, market-based mechanisms, automated negotiation and argumentation, trust and reputation, norms and organisations, …). A key application area is the smart grid. We are particularly interested in mechanisms and services that work in a “bottom-up” fashion, i.e. that provide incentives for owners to offer their resource to the grid in certain situations or at certain times, while keeping them under their control at others. We envision those service-level agreements to be negotiated, executed, and controlled in a peer-to-peer fashion.