Preliminary results of Got Energy Talent MSCA-COFUND 1st call for fellowship

Preliminary results of Got Energy Talent MSCA-COFUND 1st call for fellowship

The preliminary outcome of Got Energy Talent MSCA-COFUND fellowship programme is now available. The provisional ranking lists for UAH and URJC can be downloaded here:


All applicants will be notified of the outcome of the selection process and will receive their individual IER (Indivual Evaluation Report). We remind all interested parties that each application has been independently and individually assessed by 3 international experts. Under GET, the evaluation and the selection of evaluators has been provided by the Department for Coordination and Evaluation (Subdivisión de Coordinación y Evaluación, SCE; formerly known as ANEP) of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.  Applicants will be provided with a single IER, which will merge the evaluations made by the three individual evaluators. Applications have been evaluated according to the evaluation criteria as set out in the Guide for Evaluators, available on this website.

The final ranking list will be pusblished once the redress period is finalised.

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